Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day Two

We were up and out of bed ready for breakfast at 8AM on our lovely honeymoon vacation. You're probably thinking who wakes up that early on vacation? We do haha! Logan and I were so excited to lay out on the beaches, play on the ocean waves, and test the swim up bar.

Everyday for breakfast I had a Jamaican omlet. Seriously, the best foods through out our whole stay were the omlets and fresh cut pineapple. Mmmm! I tried to remake the omlet here at home, but in order to make them legit and Jamaican, I have to learn to flip them in the air! Back to our Caribbean memoir; This day, truly the first day of our stay, was a little cloudly. There wasn't a need for SPF, but of course it was hot enough to spend the day in our swimsuits. We spend a few hours relaxing on the beach, enjoying the sound of the ocean. Logan can only sit around doing nothing for so long, that as soon as he started squirming around we made another venture around the resort. We ate lunch at the "Negril Buffet." Actually, all but one day we ate there for lunch. This is the same buffet where they served breakfast. Everything was so elegant and classy, you'd hardly call the resaurant a buffet. After filling up for lunch we spent more time at the other beach, where we found a little fire urchin. Fire urchins are dangerous, purple, creatures with spikes all over their bodies like porkie-pines. When we first found the little guy washed up beside our chairs, Logan played with it, making it hold on to a stick. We asked one of the resort's workers walked by we asked what it was and he said, "That's bad for your foot. You step on that, you go to the doctor. Ya' mon!"
After a long day of play, we cleaned up and enjoyed some really good Asian food at the restaurant called the Lotus House! I could not decide exactly what I wanted so I ordered two main course meals; sweet and sour chicken and spicy pad thai. Our waiter was so sweet. After we told him we were there on our honeymoon, he sang the whole song of "I swear" by 98 Degrees. It was hilarious. Logan and I were like when is he going to stop embarassing us, haha!

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