Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Hot Hot Hot days! Every weekend we have been out & about and got sun burnt!

The Fourth of July was on a Sunday this year. We celebrated the holiday all weekend with s'mores, swim parties and Logan's parents, a movie theater night, and of course a simple day where we celebrated all by ourselves. Fireworks were so pretty! We watched them from right outside the temple grounds. People were double parked, all over the roads, and in the way of
traffic so it was a little stressful. That Sunday, Logan and I both bore our testimonies of the gospel and it's truth. Logan also added a few words on our founding fathers being lead by the Lord.

The next weekend we went fishing with my parents since we didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with them for Independence Day. It was LOADS of fun since I caught five fish! Logan caught four but two of them flopped off just as he pulled them out of the water. Coming home we were exhausted and SUPER sunburnt.

This month's projects were my new Spices & Seasonings Rack along with decorating my laundry room! The spice rack is just light, plastic jars with magnet button glued on their backs. I
downloaded a cute font, printed out the labels, cut them up, laminated, and glued them on the jars. It took me all morning to finish the craft. My laundry room needed something to make it look less jumbled. Baskets really helped organize and hide the iron and steamer. Clearing off the top shelf and placing decorative objects gave it a clean, crisp look. I bought those cute black jars at Target and filled one up with my laundry detergent and the other with Tide Stain Release.

July 29th, Logan totaled his car. Well, he was stopped at a red light where a guy in a huge truck couldn't brake because there was a gaterade bottle under his break pedal. The only way to stop was to ram into Logan who, in return, rammed into the woman in front of him. I had to take him to the ER just in case something was wrong with his head. He couldn't see out of his left eye, nor could he tell anyone his phone number or birth date.
Everything was okay. They gave him some medications and sent us home. He had a head ache and some neck pains for the next week or so.

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