Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weird Dream

If all dreams have special meanings... What does this one mean?

"In my dream last night, it was the day of my wedding. I got ready, did my hair and make up. To relax a bit I called my friend Jazmin. We went to this big mall and ate some lunch at the food court. It was about 3:30pm, with only one and a half hours to go till I walked down the aisle. I had an adrenaline rush and turned to her saying, "Oh my heck, I'm going to be late!"

Next thing I know I'm hiding in a secret room in my house. The room looked like a room my parents would have let a Jewish family live in until the war was over. It was a cozy room, fairly decorated and quiet. I look at the clock upon the wall as it chimes 8 o'clock in the evening. I didn't go to my wedding. I left Logan standing at the alter. I didn't understand why. I was still in my wedding dress also.

Apparently, in my dream there was this secluded, grassy field Logan and I would have picnics and privacy on. I ran out to the field hoping Logan would be there to talk to him and explain that I had no clue why I did not arrive at my wedding. He was there, very angry and distraught. I completely let him down yet I could not understand why I didn't marry him. He was so upset and there was not a thing I could do to fix it."

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