Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Proposal

My Saturday morning biology lab ended forty-five minutes earlier than usual. I called Logan as I was walking out of the building and asked him if he wanted to go to Cafe Rio for lunch. He explained that he was dropping off a cake for his mother, and that I should get it "to-go" and meet him at my parent's house.

Upon arrival to the house, I noticed his car wasn't there. I set our food on the table and asked my mother where Logan was. She told me he was up in my room. When I questioned the where-abouts of his car, she insisted she picked him up because his car got a flat tire... in my mind I thought, "why didn't he call me?"

Of course Logan wasn't really in my room. Instead, there was a bouquet of green orchids, (my favorite flower), and a sealed envelope. He devised a sweet scavengar hunt of places meaningful to us. At each I found a sealed envelope containing a love letter written by Logan, a poem printed of the internet, and some even had a picture he drew.

In the end, standing there in a white shirt and tie, he asked me for my hand in marriage. We were standing in a lot of land where we one day would love to build a house, with a table set up. Upon the table was a plate, a fork, a lemon-oreo cheesecake with berries on top, and a ring box. He asked if I wanted my ring. Silly question. I opened the box to find it empty. I stared at the cake and back to Logan.

Wondering how this ends?

I had a bellyfull, sticky face and fingers, cheesecake flavored ring, and a fiance.

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